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#Customer Experience x
15 February 2021

Brick-and-mortar Shops Focusing on Creating Good Customer Experience with Technology to Impress Gen M

The businesses that depend mainly on brick-and-mortar shops to adapt during the new wave of COVID-19 to create strengths and opportunities. They sh...

10 October 2019

Customer Experience (CX) as Key to Business Success

In the age of digital transformation that alters all aspects of our day-to-day lives, businesses and entrepreneurs need to adapt to new business en...

10 October 2019

Borderless Competition Through Digital Ecosystem

How the businesses create competitive advantages. One strategy that many businesses have done is to integrate themselves as part of the “Digital Ec...

9 October 2019

Omni-Channel : Blurs the lines between Online and Offline.

Even though the digital world has made it possible for businesses and customers to connect through an online platform for an easy exchange of produ...