Insights 8 August 2024

Bluebik introduces HR transformation with Gen AI Recommending 15 use cases for flawless efficiency

Human resource management is now indispensable for business organizations because personnel are their essential resource. When business grows, HR must develop at the same speed. Some HR functions must accelerate and be more efficient to support HR strategies in the long term.

HR processes can benefit greatly from new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI. These technologies process data swiftly and highly efficiently. In the processes, machine learning is used to create the models that make accurate predictions based on data.

Although Gen AI has been developed to serve a wide range of purposes and support all aspects of HR management, technology application alone cannot ensure long-term efficiency. Preparation and strategies are needed to guarantee AI produces desired outcomes.

Phiphat Prapapanpong, Director of Advanced Insights at Bluebik Group Public Company Limited (BBIK) – a leading consultancy on end-to-end digital transformation, said that although Gen AI has been developed for numerous applications, organizations must be prepared in three areas for its efficient use. 1) Personnel should have skills in posing right questions for AI to produce good outcomes. 2) There must be data collection methods or data governance to regulate data, especially when it comes to AI application. 3) Organizations should have their private systems to protect the personal data of their personnel.

HR management consists of three main parts: talent acquisition, performance management and resource management. Gen AI can be applied to support all of them.

Use Case Prioritization – Strategy for Gen AI Application

Bluebik takes the view that before applying Gen AI for HR management, organizations should understand and ready data. In general, HR-related data comprise internal and external ones. Internal data of organizations cover data about job applicants, the organizations, policies and benefits at the organizations and HR management. External data include trends in labor markets, competitors’ policies and recruitment and the average salaries and skills of employees classified by their positions.

After readying their data, organizations should choose the use cases that are relevant to their business. In general, use case prioritization is based on two main factors – business impact and feasibility. Business impact refers to the outcomes and value that will happen to business (return on investment) as well as relevance to the strategies of organizations. Feasibility concerns readiness for development and implementation. Use case prioritization can change in response to the objectives of organizations.

Bluebik has four steps when it recommends use cases for business organizations.

1) The creation of use cases can be based on the problems of business or the goals or objectives of organizations and on the key drivers that contribute to achieving the goals.

2) Use cases can be gathered through the value stream mapping which gives an overview on the processes and activities that create value for business. Then possible outcomes and readiness for implementation can be evaluated.

3) The implementation of use cases is planned in accordance with the order of strategies starting from strategies with the highest chance of success.

4) The implementation begins with the quick-win use cases that can be quickly implemented and produce immediate outcomes.

15 Gen AI & AI Use Cases for HR Management

Based on its experience in creating Gen AI use cases, Bluebik has 15 use cases for HR services which cover talent acquisition, performance management and resource management.

  • Talent Acquisition

1) Automated Job Description Generation – The best job descriptions can be created through the analysis of job descriptions, data about companies and business trends.

2) Targeted Ad Placement – The analysis of labor markets and job applicants’ interest leads to recommendations on job advertisements on websites and social media.

3) Resume Screening – The best job applicants are automatically selected on their skills and work experience to meet the needs of organizations.

4) Skills Matching – Job candidates are matched to job positions based on their skills and work experience.

5) Predictive Personality Assessment – The suitable personalities of job applicants are stated to match organizational cultures.

  • Performance Management

6) Skills Gap Analysis – Employees’ skills are analyzed and recommendations are made on the skill development that they need for their careers in the future.

7) Attrition Prediction – Data and performances are analyzed to predict the likelihood of employees’ resignation.

8) Succession Planning – AI identifies employees with the potential that deserves promotion in the future.

9) Personalized Learning Paths – AI introduces the training programs that suit the positions, skills and work experience of individual employees.

10) Knowledge Management – Documents and regulations are organized for employees’ convenient access.

  • Resource Management

11) Career Pathing – Employees receive support in tailoring career paths for themselves.

12) Personalized Benefits – Benefit packages are designed to suit individual employees.

13) Payroll Automation – The efficiency of payroll systems is boosted to better handle, for example, overtime calculation and clocking records.

14) Compliance Monitoring – Operations are monitored and operational risks are reported. 

15) Chatbots for HR Helpdesk – Chatbots answer HR-related questions around the clock.

The bottom line is that AI-driven business outcomes cannot result from technology application alone. Business organizations must also have strategies and prioritize AI application for the different parts of their business. As well, they must ready data for the development of AI so that their AI models will produce desired outcomes. For the business organizations that want to use AI to boost their competitiveness and growth, Bluebik has experts in Big Data & Advanced Analytics who can provide them with end-to-end solutions and advanced data analyses which meet all needs from strategy formulation to tailor-made applications. Please feel free to talk with us at

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