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“Adjusting quickly and knowing how to use technology” paves the way to the top of the real estate business pyramid.

The digital disruption era does not only pose challenges but also offers opportunities for those who know how to use disruptive technology to their advantage. Although many people whispered that digital disruption would not cause significant impact on the real estate sector, entrepreneurs should not establish themselves in complacency since the real estate business is another industry sector with many hidden opportunities. Therefore, using technology in the digital era to help fill the gaps of the traditional ways of work to improve operational efficiency, convenience, speed, and responses to the ever-changing needs of the consumersin the long term is something that we should not overlook. We can apply technology to almost every step of the real estate business including land acquisition, project execution & delivery, sales & marketing, and after sales services. “The new way of land acquisition leads to a higher chance of profitability”    The digital disruptio...

KBank BLACKPINK Debit Card : A new success formula in the digital banking world

The debut of the KBank BLACKPINK Debit Card in the middle of last November was a phenomenon that rocked Thailand’s business sector, idol community, and banking industry. What’s more interesting than the uniquenew product itself was the very warm welcome the product received from its customers. Despite the entry fee rate of Baht 750, which is two times an average rate of a typical debit card, this debit card proves a testament to the overwhelming success of KBank, bucking the trends of the declining banking sector caused by the lower fee rates and continued economic slowdown. Photo : KBank Why has the KBank BLACKPINK Debit Card become a success?  Right positioning : With its clearly established position and its first-of-its-kind format, the product has drawn strong attention and desire from the target group to own it. The card comes with an eye-friendly design and contains no string of long numbers. It is also imprinted with the outstanding image ...

4 February 2020

It’s time for CTO/CIO to quickly embrace changes to catch up with the needs of the digital business world.

We have heard for a long time that Digital Disruption will likely cause significant change to every industry. Any business that cannot cope with such change could be suffering from losses. Therefore, many organizations are expeditiously conducting digital transformations to overcome obstacles and grasp new opportunities; otherwise they could eventually go out of business. Although all organizations know that they have to embrace changes, it is not necessarily true that each organization can adjust themselves at the same speed as they each have different limitations. One of these constraints is the IT capability gap for each organization. A frequent occurrence that an organization never expects is that the IT capability will play a critical role in the competition of this era. Many organizations do not have the IT capability planning necessary for their preparation for the change. Thus, this IT capability gap should be filled as soon as possible. What is IT Capability ...

Virtual Agile helps organizations stay afloat amid economic slowdown

Every industry currently faces the endless waves of Digital Disruption. Both traditional and new technologies have been making rapid changes to consumer behaviors and lifestyles. Businesses’ ability to adjust themselves to keep up with or be ahead of this trend would pave the way for them to swim against the currents of Digital Disruption and survive the bleak economic environment. Worldwide organizations are encountering a number of conditions affecting the economies such as the U.S.-China trade war, the political risk factors triggering the U.S.-Iran war, etc. Those conditions affect the business operations of all industry sectors directly and indirectly, and may inevitably lead to a series of digital disruptions. Innovation has thus become a key driver of the competition and large corporations are expeditiously adjusting themselves by adopting it. Those companies that are not yet ready or unable to adapt themselves may be left behind and collapse eventually. So,the question o...

PFM, a Personal Financial and Investment Assistant in the Digital Age.

The next steps for banks in the digital era in managing money matters for customers and taking the role of a personal financial manager will be to bring their services closer to customers and away from their brick-and-mortar branches with the modern PFM coming into play as a key weapon. Wouldn’t it be great to have a personal assistant right next to us at all times? That takes care of all our money affairs, not just in administration but also in planning investments to boost the cash in our wallet. Let’s imagine that when waking up and getting out of bed in the morning, we receive an alert from our personal financial manager, reporting our financial status compared to specific goals and how far we are from reaching such goals; and in the afternoon, we receive a message from our assistant, stating “It’s time to pay your monthly condo rent. Would you like your assistant to help make a payment?” Then all we’d need to do is to click one button and we no longer have to be worr...

Lifestyle Banking to Seize More ‘Time’ from Customers

In 5 years, competition in the banking industry will become more intense. With fast-changing customer behaviors and disrupters, it’s not just about getting more money. It’s about getting more ‘time’ from customers, and lifestyle banking is key to that. The customer experience and engagement model are what defines a new era of banking. The banking industry will get more competitive within five years or 2024 with new technology, changing behaviors, and emerging players from outside the industry such as Apple’s virtual credit card, Line Pay wallet (e-money), True money, Line pay, AirPay, and WeChatPay along with Alipay in China. It’s no longer about getting more money from customers; it’s about getting more time. Time is a limited resource. Seizing more time from customers means the opportunity to increase revenue, getting valuable data, and even becoming a platform. Line is a good example. With free service, Line has a massive user base with high engagement. Businesses...

Customer Experience (CX) as Key to Business Success

In the age of digital transformation that alters all aspects of our day-to-day lives, businesses and entrepreneurs need to adapt to new business environments, and one of the most talked-about trends we see as consultants is ‘customer experience (CX).’ It is a connection between customers and businesses. It’s what customers experience since they first get into contact with brand and business. If there is any pain, difficulty, or problem; it will create a bad experience for the customers. If ‘brand’ is a perception, ‘customer experience' is a reality, a real contact with the brand. Over 50% of customers say they would immediately change to alternatives if the experience turns out to be bad. For that reason, businesses that design customer experience well could have revenue growth up to 10% higher than companies without a well-planned customer experience. ‘The cheapest is the best’ is no longer the key to success. Delivering what customers want is what crea...

Bio Payment : A new take on payments in a Cashless society

“You can make payments without cash.”, Thailand is gradually turning itself into a functioning cashless society – meaning that after five years, you will not need cash for your financial services. Moreover, a new technology is called “Biometric Payment”, or simply “Bio-payment” that allow you use your personal physical information/identification to authorise any form of monetary transaction. You will not need even cards or applications to make payments anymore. In the recent years, new electronic payment methods have been introduced to Thai society especially ‘PromptPay’. It is a National e-Payment scheme that allows people to attach their bank details to their ID cards or phone numbers for instantaneous interchange of money with zero transaction fees when compared to commercial banks. In the private sector, commercial banks have started allowing people to use pay their bills electronically with the help of QR codes and such other tools.   Thais have started intro...

Borderless Competition Through Digital Ecosystem

How the businesses create competitive advantages. One strategy that many businesses have done is to integrate themselves as part of the “Digital Ecosystem”. Traditional competition has been all about product features and costs with stiff competition. The playing field has become more difficult for players to beat their opponents. Also, a growing number of startups with high technology solutions have entered the playing field and posed challenges for the existing players. Therefore, the competition game in the digital world is no longer reliant upon old-school straightforward strategies. Instead, businesses must understand what rules are available in the digital era. How the businesses can create competitive advantages based on such rules. One strategy that many businesses have started implementing is to integrate themselves as part of the “Digital Ecosystem”. It draws benefits from the alliances in such an ecosystem. What is “Digital Ecosystem”? ...

Omni-Channel : Blurs the lines between Online and Offline.

Even though the digital world has made it possible for businesses and customers to connect through an online platform for an easy exchange of products and services, a singular working channel in the form of either online-only or offline-only might not always be the best functional approach.  This stands true because in the present circumstances, the customers don’t usually choose to stick to only one platform or another. For example, they might browse online for a specific product or service they want, and then go approach the shop directly (offline) so they can make sure that the quality of the products at hand meet the specifications they were promised. On the other hand, some might go to the shops to look for the products they want, and then come back home and order them online because of the pricing or logistical advantages they might enjoy. Therefore, putting together the advantages from both of these approaches in one place can help create an interesting seamless e...