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PFM, a Personal Financial and Investment Assistant in the Digital Age.
The next steps for banks in the digital era in managing money matters for customers and taking the role of a personal financial manager will be to ...
Lifestyle Banking to Seize More ‘Time’ from Customers
In 5 years, competition in the banking industry will become more intense. With fast-changing customer behaviors and disrupters, it’s not just about...
Borderless Competition Through Digital Ecosystem
How the businesses create competitive advantages. One strategy that many businesses have done is to integrate themselves as part of the “Digital Ec...
Omni-Channel : Blurs the lines between Online and Offline.
Even though the digital world has made it possible for businesses and customers to connect through an online platform for an easy exchange of produ...
Marketing Automation : A Future Marketing Tool
Old-school marketing may not be enough to make us thrive in the digital age. As people are concerned with time and becoming more sophisticated,...