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to unlock idea and drive your business
Insurers Speed Up to Gain a Competitive Edge in Becoming Innovative Insurers
Tips for insurance businesses to expedite innovations to attract customers’ hearts via strategically applying technology and building a business ec...
How Agile Helps Improve Marketing Efficiency and Gain a Competitive Edge in the Covid-19 Era
Applying the “Agile” is a concept to enhance marketing efficiency and to offer faster products and services by creating a small marketing campaign ...
Intensive Business Continuity Planning (BCP) to fight against COVID – 19
In the past, a pandemic crisis might not constitute a threat to the going concern of businesses. However, the outbreak of the new coronavirus disea...
5 Mega Trends to Steer Businesses Forward in the New Decade of 2020s
Many businesses have perished or faded away amid the constant evolution of technology and rapid-changing consumer behaviors, a reflection that “Ada...
“Adjusting quickly and knowing how to use technology” paves the way to the top of the real estate business pyramid.
The digital disruption era does not only pose challenges but also offers opportunities for those who know how to use disruptive technology to their...
Customer Experience (CX) as Key to Business Success
In the age of digital transformation that alters all aspects of our day-to-day lives, businesses and entrepreneurs need to adapt to new business en...
Borderless Competition Through Digital Ecosystem
How the businesses create competitive advantages. One strategy that many businesses have done is to integrate themselves as part of the “Digital Ec...
Omni-Channel : Blurs the lines between Online and Offline.
Even though the digital world has made it possible for businesses and customers to connect through an online platform for an easy exchange of produ...
5 ways of how Agile works that are not limited only for Startup.
5ways to transform how an organisation works into the Agile model to cope with rapid changes in the business world and to be able to resolve any co...
The Differences between Omni-Channel and Multi-Channel Strategies
The Differences between Omni-channel and Multi-channel Strategies With the steady increase in access points for the obtaining of products and se...