
“Adjusting quickly and knowing how to use technology” paves the way to the top of the real estate business pyramid.

The digital disruption era does not only pose challenges but also offers opportunities for those who know how to use disruptive technology to their advantage. Although many people whispered that digital disruption would not cause significant impact on the real estate sector, entrepreneurs should not establish themselves in complacency since the real estate business is […]

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KBank BLACKPINK Debit Card : A new success formula in the digital banking world

The debut of the KBank BLACKPINK Debit Card in the middle of last November was a phenomenon that rocked Thailand’s business sector, idol community, and banking industry. What’s more interesting than the uniquenew product itself was the very warm welcome the product received from its customers. Despite the entry fee rate of Baht 750, which is […]

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It’s time for CTO/CIO to quickly embrace changes to catch up with the needs of the digital business world.

We have heard for a long time that Digital Disruption will likely cause significant change to every industry. Any business that cannot cope with such change could be suffering from losses. Therefore, many organizations are expeditiously conducting digital transformations to overcome obstacles and grasp new opportunities; otherwise they could eventually go out of business. Although […]

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