
What HR Teams Need to Keep up with Changes

Human resource departments are the back offices that play important roles in developing organizations in the digital era which requires personnel to keep learning. HR departments also have to find staff with various skills to meet the specific needs of different units in their organizations. This is the reason why HR departments must focus on […]

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HR Solution – A Win-Win Tool for Organizational Transformation

Repetitive work was once a major issue of human resources departments. It included reports on clock-in, clock-out and overtime of employees for the calculation of their remuneration. When workforces grew, the recurring tasks were more time-consuming. As people are more familiar with the digital world, have smartphones and high-speed internet and have worked from anywhere […]

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What is HR solution? Why are organizations using it?

The organizations that head for digital transformation are interested in the instruments that can assist in their management and one of the instruments that today’s organizations need is HR solution. It is Software as a Service (SaaS) and the Employee Self-Service kind of human resources management. With the instrument, employees can do self-services instead of […]

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